Introducing the Teeth Grinding Help Program

I just finished writing an ebook called Teeth Grinding Help Program. Just like the TMJ Help Program, this ebook gives exercices, tips and tricks to people who grind their teeth.

The website is called

If you know anyone who grind their teeth or clench, refer them to the Teeth Grinding Help Program 😉

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I Am An Expert Author On eZine Articles!

It’s official! I am now an expert author on eZine Articles. As you may have figured out by now, my articles are all focused on TMJ and more specifically, on TMJ treatment.

I invite you to read my articles here.

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Chronic Head, Facial, Or Neck Pain That Won’t Go Away – It Could Be TMJ

If you have persistent neck pain, the underlying cause may be something that you wouldn’t normally expect. It may actually be cause by TMJ, especially if it seems to be extending from your jaws. TMJ means a disorder affecting the jaw muscles and lower jaw joint known as the temporomandibular joint. This joint connects the lower jaw to your skull and is present at either side of your face just in front of your ears. Specialists will often tell you that one of the commonest symptoms TMJ can cause, is an annoying dull aching pain that seems to be focused around the ears while extending to the surrounding areas like the neck, occiput and the shoulders. This symptoms are often associated with soreness and pain of the jaw muscles and headaches or migraines.

The causes are variable, but the end result is usually the same which is the impairment of the muscles of mastication, teeth and jaw joints. This causes the muscles of the face and the jaw to enter a state of constant spasm or intermittent cramping which eventually lead to tissue injury and pain. The extent of damage as well as pain vary from one condition to the other.

Diagnosis of TMJ is not always easy. Spotting TMJ can be done by specialists who have a good understanding of the area surrounding the temporomandibular joint, the area around the ears and inside them as well as the tissues of the surrounding regions such as the throat, brain, teeth, etc. in addition to their vascular and lymphatic systems. TMJ can sometimes present itself through symptoms referred elsewhere. This is known as referred pain, where one are is painful due to causes in a completely different area. You may be complaining of pain in your ears for instance, but a quick visit to an ear and throat doctor will exclude any local causes because the actual cause maybe an infected tooth or a malfunctioning temporomandibular joint.

TMJ’s causes can include previous trauma to the area, a stressful lifestyle causing teeth-grinding, dental causes, local infection, malignancies or an inflammatory disease of the joint such as arthritis.

TMJ is best detected by your dentist. According to the various aspects of the condition, the dentist may be able to handle the condition himself or may have to refer you to another specialist such as an orthodontist or chiropractor for a more specific treatment plan.

For more information about how to treat TMJ with simple TMJ exercises, please refer to my TMJ Help Program.

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Is Your Migraine a TMJ Migraine?

A great deal of chronic migraine and headache sufferers do not realize that the underlying cause for their condition may very well be TMD. The TMJ or the temporomandibular joint, is the joint connecting the lower jaw to the skull . Temporomandibular joint disorder is the condition where this joint becomes misaligned causing a variety of health problems.

Misalignment of the joint will affect the surrounding muscles causing strain in the facial muscles as well as the head and neck muscles. The muscles are still being stressed even at rest because of the constant pull of the unhealthy joint.

This muscles strain can eventually translate into migraines or headaches. TMJ related headaches are characterized commonly as being extremely painful as well as frequent, which can cause them to be diagnosed mistakenly as migraines. A sure way to eliminate doubt as to whether your headaches is caused by TMD or not, is to consult a specialized neuromuscular dentist.

Headaches are cause by muscles in a state of constant strain or contraction. Another mechanism is the blood pressure continuously building up and preventing adequate flow to the various tissues because of the constant muscle strain. This starts a reflex body mechanism to correct deficient blood flow by pumping even more flow into the deficient areas, causing an even further increase in blood pressure. The end result is what is known as a vascular headache.

You will be able to determine the presence of a TMJ link to your headaches or migraines with the help of a specialized neuromuscular dentist. A suitable treatment plan can then be devised according to your needs. It’s likely to include methods to relax the joint and the surrounding muscles in order to alleviate the pain. After the joint is stabilized, the best long term treatment can then be discussed.

TMD may become a serious thorn in your side, therefore learn to recognize the symptoms and consult a physician if you suspect having TMD at any time. Common symptoms include:

– Toothaches
– Soreness around the jaw
– Headaches and migraines
– Neck and shoulder pains.
– Facial muscle pain
– Tinnitus or ringing ears.
– Jaw locking
– Clicking or popping when moving the jaw
– Restriction of jaw movement
– Teeth chipping.

Visit TMJ Help to learn more about how to cure your TMJ with simple exercises.

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Enjoying some time off

My husband Geroge and I are having good times in France! We flew sunday night to Paris and we are now in the Alps. Have you been there before? It is so beautiful and quiet here. Tonight we’re meeting with some friends of ours for a raclette dinner (melt cheese!).

I haven’t had much time to reply to all the people on Twitter but I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any specific question about my TMJ ebook, you can always email me at contact – at  – (remove the  – at -)

Talk to you all soon 🙂

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Do you have TMJ too?

Today was such a nice day in San Diego. I got to go to the beach with my husband George and a few friends of ours for some surf. Water was cold and the waves were really small, which is fine with me. I don’t like it when it’s too big.

Our friends’ kid, Micah, is 15 years old and he has TMJ. Wendy (the Mom) was actually glad that I was here to show a few things to Micah. I gave them a copy of the my TMJ ebook before but Micah never really believed in it and never practiced the exercises.

He was really receptive to me showing him what to do though. I guess he’s like most kids, he doens’t like to read. In about 20 minutes, he confessed that his jaw was actually feeling much better. He was able to have his jaw wide open for the first time in a couple years.

Micah was really impressed by the results he got in just a few minutes of exercises. He said that he now believes in it and will go through all my TMJ exercises when he gets home.

That was a good day for me. I’m always glad to help a TMJ sufferer.

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Review Of The TMJ Help Program

We recently updated with customer reviews. I really like receiving or getting reviewed by TMJ sufferers because they are the only people that can give a fair review. I mean, can a dentist review my ebook? Yes he can, but if he doesn’t have TMJ, he won’t be able to try out all the exercises and massages I reveal in my ebook, thus he won’t be able to give a good review and share the results.

Every once in a while I receive emails from people who bought the TMJ Help Program and I love it! It’s so nice to see that I am really making a difference in this world. So if you bought the TMJ Help Program, please let me know how it helped you!! Please do!

Here is a good review I got from a dentist who refers his clients to my ebook:

I am a general dentist in Texas. I refer this ebook to my patients who have temporomandibular joint disorder. I usually ask them to read this ebook and come back for a visit a couple of weeks later. Most patients are amazed how much better they feel after practicing the exercises and other tips from the TMJ Help Program. I highly recommend it. The instructions and exercises are really easy to read.
By Joseph Kretz (Austin, TX United States)

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I am on Twitter!

I did it! I signed up for Twitter today and started tweeting. Let me tell you that I am getting addicted to this thing. It’s really nice as you can connect with so many people in a very short time. And it’s not like people are your “friends” like on MySpace. It’s so much better than that.

You can follow me on Twitter here:

I won’t be promoting the TMJ Help Program on Twitter, but instead, I will be giving free advice to anyone with TMJ.

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Is The TMJ Help Program A Scam?

Well, the quick answer is no! But let me explain you why I am writing this post today…

Several times since I created the TMJ Help Program, I received email from people asking me if I was a real person and if my site was a scam. Yes, I am a real person…. Like you, I breathe, eat, sleep, and sometimes go to the bathroom…. No, the TMJ Help Program is not a scam!

People sometimes tell me that seems too good to be true. The truth is that every one who tried the TMJ Help Program had such great results, that it’s hard for me to tone down the text on the site.

A few people thought it was impossible to cure your TMJ in a matter of days. Well my friend, I guarantee you that many of the TMJ sufferers who bought my program were actually able to treat their TMJ within days. Now I’m not saying that all of them did. Of course not. In most cases, it takes a few weeks to completely heal your TMJ (sometimes months, depending on the severity), but it does work.

I am so confident in the program that I offer a 60 day money back guarantee, meaning that if you’re not satisfied, for whatever reason, simply send me an email and I will refund you 100%!

You can’t really beat that, can you?

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Pain in the Jaw Joint and TMJ

If you have TMJ, a condition known medically as Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, then you understand the pain that is associated with the condition.

Often caused by some sort of traumatic injury to the head, neck, or spine, the main factor behind the development of TMJ is the misalignment of the bones in the jaw joint. Patients who suffer from TMJ often experience a wide range of very painful symptoms. They also find, when searching for cures for TMJ, that they are fighting an uphill battle.

The jaw is often very noisy upon movement, making grinding sounds, popping, and clicking noises. The muscles surrounding the cheek and jaw become very sore. Any kind of tension or stress can trigger episodes of teeth clenching or grinding, causing an even more intense type of pain that can extend to the teeth and other facial areas. Patients find that they are often limited in how much they can open their mouth and the amount of movement that they do have is often displaced as the jaw feels as though it opens to one side or the other. Headaches that range from mild to migraine are very common and can be frequent and debilitating.

Because the nerves and muscles in the jaw are connected to many different areas of the body, there are other symptoms that may not seem to be directly related to TMJ yet are in a secondary sort of way.

Difficulty swallowing and pain in the tongue or palate of the mouth are common amongst those who have severe cases of TMJ. Other secondary symptoms may include tingling in the finger or arms, ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds in the ears, blurred or impaired vision, and watering of the eyes.

The jaw is a very sensitive joint and is easily put out of place. Any tension placed on the jaw, whether from tension or injury can cause serious damage to the joint. Only in very severe cases is surgery considered as an option for correction. Normally, chiropractic treatment for TMJ and exercises for the jaw are considered the most appropriate types of treatment.

Seeking chiropractic care for TMJ can be beneficial as it is widely known that any maladjustment in the spine or neck can create significant health issues elsewhere in the body. The same goes for the jaw and a chiropractor can be very beneficial in retraining the jaw to be lined up correctly.

Exercises to relieve TMJ pain are also beneficial to the TMJ sufferer. Not only will they work to relieve the pain caused by the condition, but they will also work to strengthen the muscles in the jaw region and support them to prevent further or future damage to the joint.

Relief can be found from the symptoms of TMJ. However, some patience is needed on the part of the person suffering from the condition. It will take time to retrain the jaw to sit in its proper position and to strengthen the muscles so that they are not so easily affected by tension and trauma.

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